想要擁有富有的未來,關鍵是認真務實地增加收入,而不是擔心如何投資。簡單地說,你的收入愈多,就能愈快累積豐厚存款和投資,也就愈能做好理財。不要去追逐高報酬 ── 像那些金融業要你做的事情 ── 而是把你的力氣集中投入低風險、可創造收入的投資。
The key to a great financial future is to focus realistically on increasing your income rather than worrying about how and where you invest. Simply put, the more income you have, the faster you build the amount of savings and investments you have and the better you will do financially. Instead of chasing high returns -- like the financial industry wants you to do -- focus all your energies on low-risk, income producing investments.
If you succeed in creating multiple streams of income, you can live on one and devote the others to savings and investments. The more additional streams of income you have, the better your options become.
「我是財務獨立的強烈擁護者,不希望未來依賴任何人或機構來照顧我的家人或我自己。只有一個收入來源,會讓我感到非常害怕。萬一那筆現金收入枯竭了 ── 不管是什麼原因 ── 我必須確保還有其他現金收入可用。這就是我寫這本書幫助你和我一樣實現財務獨立的原因 ── 逐次增加收入來源。當然,所有的來源最好能穩定成長。而且,在某些時候,每筆收入都能充分滿足你的需求。到那時,即使遭遇 2、3 次財務挫敗,你依舊能維持財務獨立。」 ── 馬克.福特
【Key Thoughts】
“I’m a big believer in financial independence. I don’t want to be dependent on anyone or any institution to take care of my family or me in the future. Having one source of income feels very scary to me. If that stream of cash dries up -- for whatever reason -- I want to know that I have other cash streams I can tap into. That’s why I wrote this book: to help you achieve financial independence the way I did -- one income stream at a time. Ideally, all of your streams will grow steadily. And, at some point, each will be sufficient to meet your needs. When that happens, you can have two or three financial setbacks and still be financially independent.” -- Mark Ford
本期介紹的馬克.摩根.福特(Mark Morgan Ford)是《棕櫚灘通訊》(The Palm BeachLetter)編輯。以邁克爾.馬斯特森(Michael Masterson)為筆名,出版了十幾本書,包括《年輕人的5 大財富》、《準備就緒、發射、鎖定和更改跑道》等。曾創辦數百家公司。1982 年搬到佛羅里達州,在一家出版公司工作,在 39 歲退休前,將這家公司的年營收成長到1.35 億美元。之後又指導一家公司創造超過4 億美元年營業額。2011 年 60 歲時,再度退休,目前專注於投資,並替自己投資的《棕櫚灘通訊》撰稿。 畢業於皇后學院、密西根大學和天主教大學。
- Dec 22 Sat 2012 03:06