谷歌於 2011 年 7 月正式推出社交網站 Google+,至今用戶已超過 1 億 7500萬名。儘管許多人認為 Google+ 仍遠遠落後臉書的 4 億使用者,卻忽略了一項重要事實,那就是 Google+ 可以連結全球排名數一數二的搜尋引擎 Google 和 YouTube。這表示如果你能善用 Google+,就能提升你的官方網站在搜尋結果的排名。臉書和推特的內容甚至不允許 Google 搜尋引擎搜尋或編入索引。單就這項理由,Google+ 便有機會成為有史以來最佳的商業網路工具。
From a standing start in July 2011, Google+ – the social network created by Google– now has in excess of 175 million users. Everyone notes that is a distant second to Facebook with more than 400 million users but that overlooks one important dynamic. Google+ is tied to the world’s largest search engine (Google) and the world’s second largest search engine (YouTube). That means if you use Google+ well, you can improve your primary Web sites findability rankings. Facebook and Twitter don’t even allow Google to search or index their listings. For that reason alone, Google+ could just end up being the best online business building tool ever developed.
Google+ 可能成為商業界下一個巨星,當然還有其他原因。若能將谷歌許多其他產品整合起來,Google+ 極可能成為打造「通訊主幹」的最佳平台。如果一切照預期發展,那麼熟練 Google+ 並盡早共襄盛舉,勢必受益無窮。如果現在能善用 Google+,那麼未來當Google、YouTube 和其他工具不斷在網路市場帶動新應用時,你將取得絕佳位置。
There are also other reasons why Google+ has the potential to become the next big thing in the business world. Google+ looks like becoming the perfect way to build a“communications backbone” which brings together Google’s numerous products into one place. If that scenario plays out as anticipated, then mastering Google+ and being early to the party will pay big dividends further down the track. If you can master using Google+ today, you will be well positioned for what happens in the future as Google, YouTube and others continue to bring new developments to the online marketplace.
想要善用 Google+ 的力量來讓業績成長,你應該嘗試的積極做法如下:
To take full advantage of the power of Google+ to grow your business,the power plays you should try are:
「Google+ 不能算是銷售和行銷引擎。使用 Google+ 不是為了得到最多追蹤者,然後開始不斷促銷,轟炸到他們願意購買為止。相反地,Google+ 是用來潛移默化潛在客戶、連結你的客群、(小心謹慎地)使用它來進行產品及活動促銷,以及培養良好關係以備不時之需。在 Google+,有好幾種方法能達成這些目的,例如把觀眾較少的人張貼的內容分享出來,或是把你的追蹤者介紹給可能還沒有互相追蹤的雙方。另一個方法是推薦別人的產品和服務,這麼做也有助於鞏固你的客群。這些都是能為其他人創造價值和建立整體關係的大好機會。」 ――克理斯.博根
【Key Thoughts】
“Google+ isn’t a hardcore sales and marketing engine. The game, such as it is, isn’t to get the most followers and then start blasting them with offers until they purchase. It is, instead, a way to educate prospective buyers, a way to connect with your community of customers, a method by which to promote offers and events (sparingly) to your audience, and a way to build relationships before you
need them. In Google+, you can do this in several ways. One is by sharing posts from people with smaller audiences. Another is to make introductions between two people you follow who might not yet follow others. Another is to promote products and services that aren’t yours but that would help your constituency. These are all big opportunities to build value for others and build relationships in general.” – Chris Brogan
※延伸閱讀:‧社群與搜尋 強強相加
- Jun 02 Sat 2012 02:45