
Why do some people create successful, enjoyable and meaningful lives and careers while so many others do not?


According to the popular cliche, the key to success is to “follow your passion” – that is, to do what you love and the money will just naturally flow to you in some mysterious way. The only problem with that idea is when you’re first getting started, this is impractical. People hire you to perform a task they’re willing to pay you to do. Whether you love it or not and whether you’re following your passion or not is irrelevant.


Instead of going on a quest to find work which matches your passions, get busy building career capital. Once you have a reservoir of career capital in place, you can then use some of that capital to get control over what you do and to do stuff that’s important. That’s the smart way to build a fulfilling career.

Instead of trying to find work you’re genuinely passionate about, focus on being so good they can’t ignore you.


【Key Thoughts】
“The conventional wisdom on career success— follow your passion— is seriously flawed. It not only fails to describe how most people actually end up with compelling careers, but for many people it can actually make things worse: leading to chronic job shifting and unrelenting angst when one’s reality inevitably falls short of the dream. Working right trumps finding the right work— it’s a simple idea, but it’s also incredibly subversive, as it overturns decades of folk career advice all focused on the mystical value of passion. It wrenches us away from our daydreams of an overnight transformation into instant job bliss and provides instead a more sober way toward fulfillment. It’s my hope that the insights that follow will free you from simplistic catchphrases like “follow your passion” and “do what you love”— the type of catchphrases that have helped spawn the career confusion that afflicts so many today— and instead, provide you with a realistic path toward a meaningful and engaging working life. “
– Cal Newport
本期介紹的《職涯資本勝出法則》(So Good They Can't Ignore You)作者卡爾.紐波特(Cal Newport)是喬治城大學(Georgetown University)資訊科學助理教授。著有 3 本著作:《如何成為高中的超級巨星》、《優質大學生的學習指導書》、《大學生必修的 75 堂課》;本書為他的第四本著作,是逆向思考的職場建言。他的著作和想法曾獲《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、《華爾街日報》等多家媒體報導。他經營的「研究駭客」(Study Hacks)的部落格,以「解開成功模式」為宗旨,每個月吸引逾 10 萬名訪客。畢業於麻省理工學院和達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College)。

‧創造職涯價值 作個職場常勝軍





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