

Don’t make the mistake of trying to overcomplicate the sales process. It’s really clear and simple:

實情是,如果公司的銷售團隊無法成功接獲新業務,失敗原因不外乎以下 3 種情況:
The reality is if a company’s sales team is not successful in acquiring new business, then the cause of failure has to be one of three things:
1.The company does not have a clear picture of the right customers to be targeting when marketing – people who will be predisposed to buy because of the value on offer.
2.The right sales weapons have not yet been created and then applied. You have to make sure all salespeople not only have access to the right weapons but also have become highly effective at using them.
3.You haven’t got into action and exposed enough prospective customers to the sales weapons you have available. “Sales” is a verb – to make sales, you need the discipline to do what’s required rather than meaning to get around to it when your calendar opens up. You have to monitor and improve your performance progressively.
「老實說,多數銷售團隊在這 3 個問題上遭遇的麻煩都不只 1 個。建立高效的新業務銷售提案並不複雜,尤其當企業清楚知道要進攻的市場長相。我們要策略性地選擇目標客戶;備妥追求這些目標必要的武器,並精通這些武器的使用;然後我們展開計畫,有條不紊地執行攻擊。開發新客戶,就這麼簡單。」 ──麥克.溫伯格

【Key Thoughts】
“Truth be told, most sales teams struggle with more than one of these three issues. Establishing an effective new business sales initiative is not complicated, especially when the business has a clear picture of the market it is attacking. We strategically select target accounts. We arm ourselves with the weapons required to pursue those targets and become proficient at firing those weapons. And then we plan and methodically execute the attack. New Sales. Simplified.”
–Mike Weinberg

本期介紹的《客戶開發行動手冊》(New Sales. Simplified.)作者麥克.溫伯格(Mike Weinberg)是銷售教練、顧問和演說家。他擁有一家銷售和銷售領導服務公司,提供銷售主管及銷售團隊輔導課程。曾是 Slim-Fast 等 3 家機構的銷售王牌,25 歲便負責沃爾瑪這家大客戶。






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