The art of story telling in business has been underutilized for far too long. Stories in a business setting are compelling because:
‧They are simple to tell – anyone can do it.
‧Storytelling is timeless – they have always worked for leaders trying to make a point and they always will.
‧Stories appeal to everyone – irrespective of their age, race, gender or demographic classification.
‧Stories are contagious – a good story will spread through an organization like wildfire.
‧Stories are easier to remember than facts and figures – memorable stories will linger for long periods and get repeated.
‧Stories move and inspire much more powerfully than a PowerPoint presentation ever will.
‧Stories work equally well with kinesthetic learners, visual learners and auditory learners.
‧Stories work exceptionally well in informal learning situations – which is where the bulk of workplace learning occurs.
‧Stories naturally put people into learning mode – they stop worrying about facts and get caught up in the emotions.
‧Stories shows respect for your audience – because you can get a message across without arrogance.
下次當你必須闡明某個重點時,試著採用故事領導的方式,用一個故事描述及概括你想說的事。它可以成功且威力十足地運用在每個成功企業面臨的 5 項領導挑戰。
The next time you need to make a point, figure out a way to lead with a story that illustrates and encapsulates what you’re trying to say. It can be applied successfully and with great power to the five challenges of the leadership of every successful organization.
「今天,在這個星球上最成功的組織大多使用說故事作為主要領導工具。其中絕大多數指派高階的『企業故事家』,擷取及分享公司最重要的故事。在耐吉公司,所有高階主管都被指定為『企業故事家』;3M 公司在多年之前就禁止重點說明,改採撰寫『策略性故事』的方式;寶鹼公司則雇用了好萊塢電影導演,指導它們的高階主管說故事的技巧。」
【Key Thoughts】
“Today, many of the most successful organizations on the planet intentionally use storytelling as a key leadership tool. Many of these companies have assigned a high-level “corporate storyteller” to capture and share their most important stories. At Nike, all the senior executives are designated “corporate storytellers.” 3M banned bullet points years ago and replaced them with a process of writing “strategic narratives.” Procter & Gamble has hired Hollywood movie directors to teach its senior executives storytelling techniques.”
– Paul Smith
本期介紹的《故事領導》(Lead with a Story)作者保羅.史密斯(Paul Smith)是專題演說家及企業訓練師。他曾歷任美商寶鹼公司消費者及通訊研究中心主管,及安德森顧問公司經營顧問。也曾經在數十億美元規模的企業體、製造工廠和銷售團隊擔任領導職務,與全球性的零售業者如沃爾瑪超市、山姆俱樂部及好事多合作。畢業於賓州大學華頓商學院。
- Oct 20 Sat 2012 02:53