有些時候,以逐步改善來調整你的商業模式是不夠的。有時你必須對你做的事進行重大改造──21 世紀初正是這種時刻。
There are times when tweaking your business model with ongoing incremental improvements just isn’t enough. Sometimes dramatically reinventing what you do is called for – and the beginning of the twenty-first-century is just one of those moments.
We are fortunate to live in an exciting time where big things are possible. It is the innovator's day. We don't have to invent anything new. Often new business models just combine and recombine existing technologies and capabilities in different ways to change how value is delivered.
那麼究竟什麼是商業模式?你的商業模式就是公司創造、提供,然後獲取價值的方式。換句話說,你的商業模式要回答 3 個問題:
So what exactly is a business model? Your business model is the way your company creates, delivers and then captures value. Or put another way, your business model answers three questions:
「要說新的千禧年有什麼是確定的,那就是變化的步伐。新科技不斷介入我們的生活,各種想法和做法以網路速度傳遍全世界。社交媒體讓個人自我組織和重組的方式,是 20 世紀完全無法想像的事。我們也活在一個焦慮的時代,主要表現在經濟的不確定性;但有一點是確定的:適用性比以往任何時候都更加稍縱即逝。如何在不斷變化和不確定的世界與時俱進,是這個時代最重要的課題之一。」
【Key Thoughts】
“If anything is certain about the new millennium, it's the pace of change. New technology relentlessly hurdles into our lives. Ideas and practices travel around the world at Internet speed. Social media enables individuals to self-organize and reorganize in ways unimaginable in the twentieth century. We also live in anxious times marked by economic uncertainty, but one thing is clear: relevancy is more fleeting than ever. How to stay relevant in a changing and uncertain world is one of the most important questions of our time.”
– Saul Kaplan
本期介紹的《商業模式創新工廠》(The Business Model Innovation Factory)作者索爾.卡普蘭(Saul Kaplan)是企業創新工廠(Business Innovation Factory)創辦人暨首席催生者,是一個非營利機構,致力於保健、教育、創業和能源獨立領域的協同創新。卡普蘭曾擔任羅德島經濟發展公司的執行董事,也曾是埃森哲公司健康與生命科學實踐事業單位的高級戰略合作夥伴。並曾在禮來公司的製藥部門工作 8 年。定期為《哈佛商業評論》、《財富》和《彭博商業周刊》撰稿。畢業於壬色列理工學院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)及羅得島大學。
‧創新的大問題 老狗變不出新把戲
- Sep 24 Mon 2012 02:50