For all the publicity Wall Street enjoys, investors should never assume the financial markets are set up to make them money. On the contrary, Wall Street – the world’s biggest organized money machine – serves the interests of the financial services industry insiders solely and exclusively. Wall Street was never intended to be something the average investor would benefit from financially and this is a fact-of-life investors will always be better off if they keep in mind.
When you strip away all the glitz, the underlying message of Wall Street firms is always: “Trust us, we know what we’re doing because we’re professionals at this.” By definition, that’s impossible. For every trade which a broker suggests to a buyer, another broker is making a sell suggestion to a seller or else there wouldn’t be a market. Everyone hopes they will be on the right side of the deal but logically they cannot both be right. Keep that in mind the next time, you’re pitched. Wall Street positively oozes false glamour, contrived accuracy and manufactured confidence in order to separate you from your money.
【Key Thoughts】
“There is a financial services industry facade that has been built on the premise of precision, an artifice that’s been decades in the making and billions of dollars in the marketing. The implication of this perpetual campaign is that “there’s a right way to invest, and only we are privy to its mechanics, we’ll take it from here.” The truth is, there is no more precision in financial services than there is in medicine or architecture or computer science. Things go wrong, people act emotionally, and not everyone has the best intentions at all times. I have several thousand headlines dating back to when stock trading first took place under the Buttonwood Tree to prove this. The message I’ve tried to convey throughout is that there is no ‘system.’ We all are fallible no matter how smart or rigorous we may be, no matter how sophisticated our process. Most importantly, investing precision itself is a fallacy, and those who make forecasts with certainty are doomed.”
– Joshua Brown
- Jul 22 Sun 2012 02:32