近期有個知名的案例就是蘋果跟三星的案子,在最初的階段,北加州聯邦法官高蘭惠(Lucy Koh)裁定駁回蘋果(Apple)所聲請的禁制令,不讓其禁止三星(Samsung)在美國販賣那些蘋果宣稱遭到侵權的手機。裁定裡提到其駁回禁制令的聲請的理由之一,是因為蘋果所要求的禁制令救濟範圍太廣泛了,她認為由於這個禁制令的聲請包括了三星太多的手機機型,若全部都禁止販賣的話就太過分了。
這個法定判斷標準的應用,意指禁制令救濟對專利擁有人來說,已成為一個更強大的法律工具,也對想進入美國市場的可能侵權者具有警惕的作用。因此在進入美國市場時,越來越重要的是去學習並了解若忽略智慧財產權所可能造成的後果,例如進行產品無侵害檢索(freedom-to-operate searches)或取得產品不侵權報告等,特別要提醒的是,你如果忽略智慧財產權,或未取得如此報告,將會影響你在美國市場販賣未侵權產品的能力。
What are patents good for?
James Long / NAIP Education and Training Group, US Patent Attorney, US Attorney-At-Law
What are patents good for? Well, one thing I can tell you they are good for is to ask for injunctive
One such recent notable case is Apple v. Samsung. At the first stage, Federal Judge Lucy Koh in the Northern District of California decided against allowing Apple to have an injunction to prevent Samsung selling their allegedly infringing phones in the US. She said that one reason for denying the injunction was that the injunctive relief requested by Apple would be too broad, as there were too many models of Samsung phones included in the request and to stop them all would be asking too much.
Recently the Federal Circuit reversed this decision. Though Judge Koh was very careful to follow all the rules when she balanced the factors in deciding not to grant Apple an injunction to keep Samsung’s allegedly infringing phones out of the US, she considered one factor that the Federal Circuit explained was not a factor to take into consideration. This was that the injunctive relief requested was too broad.
The Federal Circuit said broadness was not a factor. The factors that the party requesting the relief must prove are irreparable harm, in the form of lost profit, and serving the public interest, and that the balance of these factors weighed in Apple’s favor. This balance weighed in Apple’s favor because, though Samsung would also lose market, it is Samsung that allegedly infringed Apple’s iPhone design and utility patents.
What the Federal Court said is “Apple criticizes the district court for relying on the breadth of its requested injunction as a reason to deny injunctive relief. Apple argues that—consistent with this court’s injunction precedent—it properly requested an injunction limited to the infringing products and products not more than colorably different.” So all of Samsung’s phones that are “not more than colorably different from” Apple’s iPhone may be included in an injunction. It’s still not decided whether and on what basis Judge Lucy Koh will grant the injunction. It is however clear that injunctive relief of this broadness will probably severely impact Samsung’s commercial opportunities in the US, especially in a competitive and fast-moving market like mobile phones.
From this decision, it is clear that injunctive relief may be quite broad. An IP holder can request that injunctive relief on a competitor’s commercial actions cover more than just the alleged infringing products, including even those products “not more than colorably different from” the infringing ones.
The application of this legal standard means that injunctive relief becomes an even more powerful legal tool to wield for patent-holders and also one for possible infringers to be wary of before entering the US market. It therefore becomes even more important to study and understand the possible consequences of ignoring IP rights when entering the US market, such as in carrying out freedom-to-operate searches or setting up non-infringement opinions; especially if ignoring such rights can affect your ability to sell non-infringing products in the US market.
- Jan 03 Fri 2014 00:52